County AGM 2021

Stock Village Hall Common Road, Stock, Ingatestone, Essex, United Kingdom

Agenda 1. Apologies for Absence (only accepted before the meeting) 2. Minutes of the AGM 2020 3. Matters arising 4. Chairman’s Report 5. Honorary Treasurer’s Report 6. Appointment of ‘independent examiner’ of the accounts for the coming year 7. Newsletter Editor’s Report 8. Election of Members to the Executive Committee • Sue Chapman, Sue Currell,… Continue reading County AGM 2021

The Great Cover Up – Capsule Sewing Classes (2 weeks)

Braintree Community Centre 19-21 Bocking End, Braintree, Essex, United Kingdom

With Karen Odinga. A two-week course, meeting on Wednesday evenings 17th and 24th November. £15 for the full course, or £7.50 per week. A loose, drapey, kimono style jacket for any occasion. Create an easy to sew classic cover up with drop kimono-style sleeves with the multi sized pattern provided. An easy throw-on style or… Continue reading The Great Cover Up – Capsule Sewing Classes (2 weeks)


UFO & Christmas Fripperies – Capsule Sewing Classes

Braintree Community Centre 19-21 Bocking End, Braintree, Essex, United Kingdom

With Karen Odinga. Have a few loose ends from our previous sewing sessions (UFO: Un-Finished Objects)? Bring along any unfinished business and get it completed in a relaxed, festive atmosphere. Plus, there will be a few quick, little sewing projects available to get you in the holiday spirit. Even if you just want to use… Continue reading UFO & Christmas Fripperies – Capsule Sewing Classes
